Françoise Lombard, pianist, pedagogue and composer

Pianist , composer and pedagogue, a graduate of the Institut Jaques-Dalcroze (Diplôme Supérieur) and the Geneva Conservatory (teaching diploma in piano, solfege and harmony), Françoise Lombard first trained Eurhythmics teachers in Bienne (Switzerland).

She then undertook training in OSTÉOPHONIE (Pédagogie de l’Écoute, méthode François Louche), a discipline she teaches in Europe and Quebec to artists, teachers, educators and therapists. thérapeutes. 

Elle est membre de l’équipe de formateurs professionnels de la société Dalcroze Canada et professeure invitée dans divers centres Dalcroze en Amérique du Nord et en Europe. 

She is a member of the Dalcroze Canada faculty of professional trainers and a guest teacher at various Dalcroze centers in North America and Europe.

In 1986, with Michel Comeau, she created the audiovisual production company Stareyes, in charge of all artistic creations parallel to her pedagogical and musical work.

Françoise Lombard divides her professional activities between Dalcroze Eurhythmics, Osteophonie and composition.

The development of a quality of listening and presence is at the heart of all her professional activities.

Artistic and educational collaboration with Michel Comeau



CD of vocal music (osteophonic voice choir) without words

Le monde de Moutsi

Book-CD for children featuring nine songs, a narration and two stories, on the theme of affective development. English version in progress


Wordless voice/piano songs for toddlers of all ages


Piano improvisations: an encounter between the artist and her instrument

Music and Movement Audio Library

Educational audio material for music teachers of all levels.

Stareyes music and education

Stareyes productions was founded in 1986 by two multidisciplinary artists, Michel Comeau and Françoise Lombard.

His fields of activity are music, music pedagogy and education.

The company works to provide music and learning resources that have measurable effects on people’s lives.

What characterizes the different products of Stareyes is the presence of a listening that connects the musician to the listener, the teacher to the student, the human to the human.

Michel Comeau

Michel Comeau, a multidisciplinary artist

Singer, songwriter, actor and director recognized for his significant contributions to Quebec entertainment.

  • Sung voices in iconic Disney films such as Toys Story and The Little Mermaid.
  • Stage performances at Place des Arts de Montréal, Grand Théâtre de Québec and the New York Stock Exchange.
  • Co-founder with Françoise Lombard of Stareyes Music Education, a production company promoting wellness at all ages through the arts.
  • Co-author with Françoise Lombard of music for documentaries for the National Film Board (NFB) and the children’s musical book “Mon livre à Moi”.
  • Director and collaborator on various musical projects, including “Les voix ostéophoniques” and “Les Berceuses”.
  • Artistic direction, supervision of the production and distribution of the “Audio Library  music et movement”.


5761 Northmount Ave, Montreal, QC H3S 2H4 Canada

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